Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Top 5 Foods To Help Lose Weight

To be successful at losing weight and more importantly keeping it off one must commit to changing their diet.  Everyone knows pizza and ice cream does not make sense in a healthy lifestyle, but do you know the healthier foods can still taste pretty good and satisfying?  I wanted to share my top five foods I enjoy most which also aid in maintaining my weight-loss.  

photo cred: Vegan Ricana

Easy to prepare if you're a person on the go plus very versatile.  Oats are full of fiber which will help in keeping you satisfied and not hungry.  Its a plus the fiber will keep you regular so if you struggle with constipation this is a great food to add in your daily food intake.  Boring??  Not at all!  Try adding different fruits, powders like protein shakes, PB2 flavor (peanut butter powder), natural unsweetened cocoa powder or honey to make it interesting. One of my favorite oat dishes includes making overnight oats because its light prep work, and easy to grab and go in the morning.  Check out my home girl Yvonne here.  She has the best gluten free and guilt free recipes and I adore her discipline and love so much!  I use her weekly as a resource and look forward to her new blog and youtube videos.  These oats picture are taken from the Vegan Diva herself @VeganRicana.
photo cred: Rican Vegana

Growing up I could not stand grapefruit because of the bitter taste.  As an adult I've learned to love this fruit for its juicy goodness and great health benefits.  Grapefruit helps burn fat and curb your appetite. I love when it's chilled cold and sometimes as a treat, I sprinkle stevia over it. If you don't like the bitter taste, try to only eat the pulp and not the white membrane layer of the fruit.

Salmon & Tuna
My absolute favorite protein during the summer is fish.  Tuna and salmon are at the top of my list because it can be cooked and enjoyed in a number of ways.  Tuna can help reduce stroke and heart disease and is filled with omega-3 fats.  I enjoy it over my salads, with crackers or in my sushi.  Salmon is an all star dish for me and I love it cooked with garlic, lemon pepper or just a bit of honey and ginger. This is a good fatty fish that speeds up metabolism and is full of protein.

Almonds & Nuts

These are high calorie snacks but they make snacking healthy and enjoyable. I enjoy them plain or sprinkled with honey or cocoa powder. It's better to flavor them yourself to avoid too much sugar or salt intake. These help my cravings for something salty, crunchy, or sweet.  I eat almonds or cashews instead of eating potato chips.  This food also has "good" fats and can help lower cholesterol   

I can eat them plain, in a salad or added in a pitcher of water.  Cucumbers are so refreshing and hydrating.  They are full of water plus helps reduce stomach bloating. I've been thinking of ways to incorporate apple cider vinegar into my diet because of its great health properties and I recommend to try cucumbers with vinegar for a light tangy snack.

What are some of your favorite health snacks or foods you've incorporated in your healthy diet?  For more health videos check out my blog channel and subscribe here.

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